Carmen Girolami

(905) 971-4214








A Message From Carmen

Meet Carmen Girolami, a distinguished real estate broker whose name has become synonymous with expertise and reliability in the Grimsby, Hamilton, Niagara, and Stoney Creek regions. Boasting an impressive tenure of over 30 years in the real estate industry, Carmen’s unrivaled market knowledge and a strong track record of sales achievement awards distinguish her as a trusted advocate for buyers, sellers, and investors alike.


Carmen’s approach to real estate transcends mere transactions. She is deeply committed to understanding her clients’ needs, recognizing that each sale or purchase represents a major life milestone. Her wealth of experience ensures a seamless and personalized experience, making each client’s journey feel as privileged as the next.


Beyond the world of real estate, Carmen is a woman of vibrant passions. She relishes in the joy of hosting gatherings for friends and family, cherishing the time spent with her children, and indulging in the scenic beauty of the Niagara wineries. Her love for the community and its culture is not only a personal pleasure but also enriches her ability to share the very best of what Niagara has to offer with her clients.


Carmen’s accolades are a testament to her professional excellence, marked by a series of multiple awards that celebrate her outstanding service and dedication. When you choose Carmen Girolami as your real estate broker, you’re not just selecting an agent; you’re embracing a partnership with a seasoned expert who will ensure that your real estate goals are met with the utmost care and professionalism.

Service Area




Port Colborne

Fort Erie


St. Catharines

Niagara Falls

Niagara on the Lake


Carmen Can Help You Find Your Dream Home

There are over 9,500 properties currently on the market in the Niagara region.

1 results | Page 1 of 1
12 24 48
For sale $749,900
47 BURRWOOD Drive, Hamilton, Ontario

47 Burrwood Drive

Hamilton, Ontario

3 Bedroom 2 Bathroom 1,937 ft2

Our Dedicated team servicing Niagara / Haldimand / Hamilton